I have not table at SDCC.
We can't speak English well,but please feel free to speak if you find us. Also,trade with your sketchbook is anytime welcome. However, it might be impossible to find us in the convention center.
I haven't yet decided specifically about on-line sales. It thinks about on-line sales if there is a stock after coming back to Japan.
Wow it would be great to meet you in person. Any plans to be at a certain place at a certain time?
HA! Love this one!
Your art book looks amazing!!!!
Ive send you an email a few days ago about a proyect called maurice, I was wondering if you had received it!
Thank you for stopping by the Flight table!
I love your work.
I was the one that gave you the Water Tribe books.
Thank you again very very much for your beautiful sketchbook.
Hello girls, It's been nice meeting you at the Flight Studio in LA. Looking forward talking to you in the near future again.
Hi ya, your picture looks amazing :D
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