16 April 2012

Variants cover for Avengers

Here's one of the variants cover for Avengers Appreciation Art Month. This is used for WOLVERINE #304 cover art. It was released on April 11.
You can see all the covers here: [link]

Below image is a idea sketches.


  1. I love it! It's always fun to see what you two are doing. Any chance of seeing this as a poster?

  2. Wow! This is amazing cool. Perfect...

  3. This is so cute in so many ways! Awesome job! :D

  4. Hey, i really like your work and i was wondering if the Avengers "Wolverine 304" piece was availible to get of buy in poster size Or om canvas or in any orther form. My wall is craving for it!

  5. Excellent, girls ! Another great illo !

  6. This is just simply amazing!

  7. Hi Guri, I saw this fabulous photo in a Facebook page in Brazil, guy, this image was sensational!

  8. what about the other pictur? the 2nd sketch? :)

  9. Anonymous10:26 PM

    this picture is so adorable! there were no clue about ones who drew these when i fisrt see these but i tried to find the artists finally found it! plz post more pictures like these.. i really love drawing style like it..( is it right sentences?? im not good at English :-( )

  10. Thank you a lot of comment!
    Poster-sized picture is not unfortunately, I am very happy you like this picture.
